Friday, May 21, 2010

What is reiki?
Reiki is simply the ‘laying’ of hands (non-intrusively) on or slightly above the body so the energy can flow through the practitioner as a channel and to another person. It is this flow of energy which facilitates the unique ability of the body to heal itself.
What happens in a reiki treatment?
During a reiki treatment, the client is laid on a massage table, fully clothed, eyes closed and listening to gentle soothing music which helps to produce a state of deep relaxation. I follow a sequence of hand positions over the body, usually commencing from the head. At other times, I work intuitively with reiki going to where I feel there are blockages in the body. As energy flows most people will feel warmth, heat, tingling or other sensations, some fall asleep or may feel nothing all at. Reiki is a healing experience that is unique for each client. You do not have to feel the energy for it to work. The energy has an intelligence of its own going to where it is needed and works on whatever energy level that is required. Reiki builds up in your system with each treatment received, empowering both mind, body and spirit.

Reiki is both powerful and gentle. Often when energy levels are low or blocked, the immune system is weakened and we are more susceptible to illness (dis-ease) within the body. The source of illness is generally found in the deep unconscious level - reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, treating both the cause and effect of disease - going to exactly where it is needed during a reiki treatment.
Reiki energises the client on a number of levels at the same time:
On the Physical level through the warmth of the hands
On the mental level through the thoughts or reiki symbols
On the emotional level through the love that flows within them
On the energetic level through the presence of the initiated person, as well as the reiki power itself.

Reiki can help alleviate pain and illness including skin problems, flu, fatigue, backpain and headaches.
Reiki supports your own body to heal itself and strengthens the immune system to help the body fight off illness easier.
Reiki helps to aid the body to restore the physical balance by getting rid of blockages and cleansing the body of any toxins that may have been stored.

Reiki encourages the examination of your emotional life, releasing of negative emotions and promotion of positive qualities like love, trust and self-belief.
Through the use of reiki, one finds that the mind calms and the constant stream of thoughts slow in order to allow one’s true inner voice to be heard.
Reiki flows to where it is most needed in the client’s energy field, it clears, strengthens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the client's ‘life force’ energy to flow in a healthy balanced and natural way.
Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as:
Emotional / physical trauma;
Negative thoughts and feelings including fear, anxiety, worry, doubts or anger;
Nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle or relationships;
Self-neglect and lack of love for oneself or others; and
Holding in of emotions not expressed in a healthy way.

Reiki can affect our thoughts and attitude as a consequence of the release of stress and tension. One can find they will release negative thoughts and replace them with more positive concepts and attitudes. The mind becomes calmer and those feelings of stress or worry are released.
Reiki can enhance one’s intuitive ability and encourage you to follow your chosen path with greater sight and awareness, if one chooses to allow this to happen. We all know that once we can think clearly, then we can see clearer too.

When practising reiki or receiving a treatment your capacity grows to love yourself and others – as you begin to see yourself and them in a different light. You can become more accepting and non-judgemental in your approach to all human beings. You feel your connection with the innate energy of the Universe grow along with your desire to be a part of this Universe.
The principles of Reiki include love, compassion, understanding and acceptance therefore reiki will promote these feelings within the individual receiving the treatment ensuring that any physical, emotional, mental and spiritual releases are for the good of the ‘Higher Self’.

Self help
Like all treatments, in order for the reiki healing experience to have lasting results the client must accept responsibility for their healing and take an active part in it. It also includes a commitment to improve oneself in order for it to achieve the results which the client desires e.g. it may be necessary to make some lifestyle changes in order to achieve the desired result

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